Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Zara's Bread-venture!

Mealtimes have also gotten more challenging as Zara has gotten older.

Heinz bottled food worked well enough until recently, but now that she's turning one, the urge to make her 'proper' meals has overpowered me. So I caved and bought a Philips Avent Food Steamer and Blender, and this last week, I've been experimenting with homemade recipes to great success... and great failure.

My new toy...

Behold my attempt at gourmet Pumpkin and Lentil Stew with Couscous...

OK, so she hated that.

But she really likes my Creamed Rice with Apple/Prunes, Cheesy Brocolli and Cauliflower, and Porridge with Carrot and Marmite.

Despite my great effort in the kitchen though, nothing has held her attention more supremely than....


And all that was left were these breadcrumbs...

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